Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunrise Sessions

"In the morning O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3

I love waking up early in the morning. The house is still. The children and my husband are still fast asleep. The world is quiet. The hustle and bustle of the day has not yet begun. The sky outside is still dark and a there is peace in the stillness of my house.

These are the times when I think the best, when my thoughts are clearest. This is the time when I make myself a steaming hot cup of tea, open my bible and read. Sometimes though, the thoughts of all the things I have to do that day try to intrude upon this quiet time, but I fight try to push them aside. For this is my time to spend with God. It is my time to read His Word, to hear from Him and let Him speak to me. It is ’s my time to pray. I mean to really get on my knees and lay out all of my concerns, or just praise and thank Him for who He is.

I love when I wake up early in the morning. But my body does not like getting up out of the bed. Sometimes it’s a struggle to leave the cozy comfort of my warm bed. My body sometimes craveslongs for just one more another hour of sleep. Truthfully, I sometimes I spring from my getout of the bed just long enough to turn off the alarm and set it to ring again in an hour. But I’m always happy when I get up at 5:30 for my sunrise session with God.

When I’ve gone for days or weeks without our my morning meeting, I feel like something is missing. I feel a need to reconnect. It’s not that I don’t talk to Him during the day, while I’m driving, listening to the radio, watching the news, washing the dishes... I talk to Him at night when I pray with our children as I tuck them into bed. But when I miss my morning quiet time, I just feel like I’m missing quality time, one-on-one time, time that builds relationships and builds intimacy. When I start my day with him, it seems like I can hear Him so much clearer and I feel so much closer when I start my day with Him.

He speaks to me through His word. He challenges me. He makes me think. He makes me grateful. He gives me insight. He gives me wisdom. He gives me peace. He gives me joy.

So for me it has become a matter of mind over mattress. My body longs to sleep, but my soul needs a sunrise session with the Son.

I will be posting some of my thoughts from my “Sunrise Sessions.” How do you incorporate spending time with God into your day? Leave a comment.


Anonymous said...

hi Mrs. Fountain.
I can truly relate to your sunrise session. but thanks be to God, He wakes me up every morning @ 5:00 am. I am retired so I have no trouble getting up an going right into my private session with God ,Letting Him speakto me through His word and me speaking and listing to Him in prayer and meditation.peace love, and joy to you.

Anonymous said...

As the mother of 4, I know the importance of getting prayer and quiet time in before the little ones hit the floor. Once they're up, you get so wrapped up in family time and the busyness of the day, that you almost don't want to pray, much less read the bible at the end of the day.

Be blessed.

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